Click here for more Information on Membership Benefits
Step 1: Instructions for Membership Application
Information Required for Registration Process and Filling up the Google Form
- Please keep ready with your Scan copy of Aadhaar Card / Voter Card / Institutional ID card / Registration Certificate (Organization only)
- Payment Screenshot. (You will get it after completing Step 2)
- 2024 Membership Registration Fee (to be paid to Society Bank Account) [Bank Transfer only]
- INR 762 (For Academicians and PhD Scholars only)
- INR 372 (For UG Students only)
- INR 8382 (For Lifetime Membership)
- INR 5500 (For Organization Only)
- Please Keep the payment Screenshot for uploading later.
Step 2: Payment Page
Proceed for payment
Step 3: Fill Up the Google Form
Please Fill up the google form
Step 4: Send a Confirmation Email
You are requested to send an Confirmation Email to [email protected]